
Library Hours
The Library’s hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Sundays 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Library will be closed January 1st
& 15th.
Franklin Public Library’s 2024 Reading Challenge!
January: An author’s debut book!
Welcome to the Franklin Public Library's first Annual Reading Challenge! For each monthly prompt that you complete and submit on time you will receive a Free Book Coupon that's good at the library's Book Sale. Submissions MUST be submitted by the last day of each month in order to qualify for that month's Free Book Coupon. For complete details and to sign-up, visit our website! Grand prizes made possible by the Friends of the Franklin Library!
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program
In our second year of providing free tax preparation assistance through the VITA IRS program the Franklin Public Library is looking for volunteers! While tax season starts in February; planning, training, and scheduling can begin today! To sign up or to find more information please email Site Coordinator Mitzi Gousie at!
ESL & Adult Literacy Program
The Franklin Public Library has started an English as a Second Language and Adult Literacy Program to serve Franklin and its surrounding communities. Volunteers and students do not need to be Franklin residents. If interested, fill out the registration form on the library’s website.
Special Events for Kids
Science Series! Saturday January 6th @1:00PM
No Registration Required!
Join us for a special science workshop, brought to you by volunteers from the Franklin High School Science department! Ideal for kids ages 7+!
Petite Picassos! Tuesday January 16th
Join Miss Lily and create your very own step-by-step painting of a winter-themed kitty! This paint party is a great fit for children ages 6-12! All materials will be provided! REGISTRATION REQUIRED.
Penguin Scavenger Hunt! Saturday, January 20th – Saturday, February 3rd
We're celebrating National Penguin Day! Can you find all the penguins hiding throughout the library?!
Tu B’Shevat! Saturday January 20th @12:00PM
Join us for a special celebration of the Jewish Holiday also known as "New Year of the Trees!" Celebrate with games, crafts, snacks, activities and more! Presented in partnership with Temple Etz Chaim!
Family Literacy Night! Wednesday January 24th, 5:30-7:30PM
Join us for an evening celebration of reading for the whole family! Presented in partnership with the Franklin Public schools! Browse our curated tables of family read-alouds, get tips, tricks, and free resources to make reading fun at home, and visit with Franklin’s favorite police dogs for some fun independent reading practice!
Special Events for Teens
Teen Vision Board Making! Wednesday January 10th
No Registration Required.
Teens! Set your intentions for 2024! Join us as we get crafty, creating vision board collages for the new year!
Teen Paint Party! Wednesday, January 17th @ 6:00PM
For Teens Ages 12+!! Join local instructor Denise Palmieri for this step-by-step paint party for teens! All materials will be provided and you'll get to take home your very own cozy winter painting! REGISTRATION REQUIRED!!
Special Events for Adults
“The Boatbuilders” Pre-release Screening & Discussion Thursday January 18th @ 6:30 PM
No Registration Required!
Join Director Gregg Seibert and Producer & Historian R. A. Lawson for a Pre-release screening of the first episode and Discussion of their new Documentary Series, “The Boatbuilders”! The docuseries uncovers the historical legacy and present-day impact of the boat building community, showcasing boatbuilders, sailors, and owners who speak to the realities of boat building today, along with the challenges and rewards of maintaining the legacy and beauty of historic sailing vessels. The first episode focuses on Rhode Island.
Tax Preparation Help with VITA Registration Day Jan. 20th 10 AM - 4PM
Come to the library January 20th and get your appointment for Tax preparation help. This is a walk in event where volunteers will help you assess your needs, double check paperwork, and get you an appointment to file your taxes in February, March, or April.
The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. VITA sites offer free tax help to people who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns, including:
Special Events for All Ages
New Program: Tricky Trivia Thursday January 11th
@ 6:30 PM
No Registration Required!
Are you ready to prove your trivia knowledge is more than trivial? Do you have the facts to fight for the title of Franklin’s Trivia Master? Join us for snacks and a Family Trivia Challenge at the Library!
Play as a team or go solo for ultimate bragging rights!
Narcan Training for the Community with the SAFE Coalition! Wednesday January 31st @ 6:30 PM
No Registration Required!
Join the SAFE Coalition for a 20 minute training in the implementation of Narcan and be better prepared to save a life. During this training the SAFE Coalition will bring in their CPR dummies, discuss what an opioid and an overdose is, learn how to access for a medical emergency like an overdose, and walk through the steps of administering Narcan.
Franklin Library Book Sale
Friday, January 19th, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Saturday, January 20th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon
All books are just one dollar!
Bag Sale - $5 A Bag—Saturday, January 20th, from 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Come fill a brown bag with all the books you can!