Franklin, Medway High Schools Ranked Well by Boston Magazine


Ranking are never a definitive portrait of any individual or institution. Yet,who can resist the opportunity to compare? Thus, Boston Magazine has made such comparisons a staple of its annual news cycle.

The recently released  Top Public High Schools in Greater Boston, Ranked for 2024, had the usual suspects at its pinnacle, but both Franklin and Medway earned respectable slots. The editors relied on data from Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, which publishes  information on each school, including MCAS and SAT scores.

With their journalistic magic they came  up with Franklin ranked 55 and Medway ranked 70 out of 150 schools in their cohort.  Other neighboring communities also received impressive ranking. Dover-Sherborn came in first.  Medfield was ranked 28, Hopkinton 25,Holliston 46,  King Philip (Wrentham), 77, and Bellingham, 105.

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