Making Sure it's Just the Right Touch, And Nothing More


Reflexology businesses have proliferated in recent years. Exactly what the practice encompasses varies, but the definition of reflexology, a system of massage that can relieve tension and treat illness, using so-called reflex points on the feet, hands, and head at a minimum involves practitioners touching their clients. 

That's nothing new but what got the attention of the health agent and the Franklin police are code violations, the youth and gender of many of the practitioners, and foggy information about working conditions, payments, etc.

Health Director Kathy Liberty told the Board of Health at their Wednesday meeting that she has worked with detectives and found some facilities with sleeping areas and "makeshift kitchens and bathrooms."  Lacking any hard evidence of wrong doing, she and the police have been mostly focusing on code violations but, as Liberty noted, the possibility that workers could actually be victims of human trafficking cannot be ignored.

Frustrated at the lack of a straightforward legal tool to help define such businesses and hold them to legal conduct, Liberty looked around to see if other municipalities had developed laws that fit.

Her search took her to Needham, where she found a lengthy statute, that defined just about everything that could be done (or shouldn't be done) for any "body work" business (which includes Reflexology).

The Board was enthusiastic about the concept and Liberty indicated that she was going to circulate a study draft to them for their consideration. Should the board approve it, the measure would need to go before the Town Council for approval.

"I  showed the Needham regulations to the police and they are very pleased," she said.

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