Duck In For a Look


Above, artist Marilyn Klauber beneath her homage to the historic Weber Duck Inn.

Saturday afternoon, nearby Wrentham was the site of a lively, almost raucous, opening reception of an art exhibit by seniors from the town. But not all are Wrenthamites.

Marilyn Klauber, a Franklin resident belongs to a Wrentham Senior Center painting group. With Wrentham gearing up to celebrate the town’s 350th anniversary, the group was asked to paint a Wrentham-related painting. Inspired by Franklin Observer Hometown History #61: Wrentham’s Duck Inn Provided Local Employment, Attracted Rich and Famous. Klauber opted to develop an image of that historic location.

“The duck farm idea was interesting to me because I grew up on Long Island, NY and the duck farms there were a big thing when I was a kid,” she explained

Klauber wasn’t alone in exploring historic themes. Others crafted images of Helen Keller, trolley cars, a long-ago Socony Gas Station that once stood at Wampum Corner, ball rooms, and a mixed media image of the Wrentham State School (produced by Klauber’s husband, John Curry).

The Wrentham Senior Art Group’s works will be on display through May 2 at the Fiske Library,

110 Randall Road, Wrentham.

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