AG Announces $750,000 for Immigrant Legal Services


Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell has launched a $750,000 grant program to increase legal services capacity for recently arrived immigrants in Massachusetts. The grant program will provide funding to nonprofit legal services and their community partners to execute a wide range of immigration-related legal services for new arrivals to access immigration relief and work authorization so they can help support themselves and their families.

Applicants may propose programs which include but are not limited to implementing new technology solutions or upgrades to case management systems to increase efficiency and effectiveness; leveraging relationships with law schools, law firms, shelters or community-based organizations to provide services; providing clinics or other services to help new arrivals access immigration-related legal relief; and equipping staff with mobile workspace supplies and equipment.

“Legal services organizations play a crucial role in helping new arrivals navigate complex immigration systems and secure basic needs, such as work authorization,” said AG Campbell. “I am immensely proud to announce the Immigrant Legal Services Grant Program and continue to expand the diligent work of our office in ensuring that migrants to Massachusetts receive the basic support, protections, and opportunities they need to support their families and contribute to our economy.”

Today’s Immigrant Legal Services Grant Program is AG Campbell’s most recent effort to prioritize the needs and rights of new arrivals. This August, AG Campbell led a coalition of 18 attorneys general in urging the Department of Homeland Security to take immediate action to expedite work permits for eligible immigrants to help meet the state’s workforce needs, conserve safety net resources, and provide new arrivals the opportunity to contribute to the country in which they have sought refuge.

The recent influx of new migrants to Massachusetts has created an emergency situation in which demand often outpaces the capacity of legal services organizations in assisting new arrivals. This grant program will help to expand the capacity of legal services organizations to meet the increased need for immigrant legal services and facilitate the self-sufficiency and community integration of new arrivals, while also easing the overload on local communities, emergency shelter programs, and other social safety net programs.

Successful applicants will receive awards in varying amounts of up to $100,000 for one year. Nonprofit legal services organizations providing supportive services to new arrivals in Massachusetts are encouraged to apply. Applicants may also partner with one or more community-based organization when applying.

Interested applicants can visit the AG’s website for more information, including the full Request for Proposal and application instructions. Questions regarding this grant opportunity may be submitted to, only until 5 p.m. on September 29, 2023. When submitting your question(s), please include “Immigration Legal Services Grant” in the email subject line.

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