
The Pumpkins are Having Fun on Pleasant Street
The 4th Annual Pumpkin Sale will be open all month long from October 2 to 31 at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant Street, Franklin.
A huge selection of pumpkins and gourds of all sizes, shapes and colors will fill the front lawn at St. John’s Church. Kids of all ages will have fun picking out their favorites. It’s a good photo opportunity for families.
Family activities will be offered every weekend in the Patch:
Pet Blessings and outdoor worship on Sunday, Oct 8th at 10am
Pony Rides on Saturday, Oct 14 from 1-2pm - $5 per ride
Haunted House on Saturday, Oct 28.
Watch the St. John’s Episcopal Church Facebook page for music, crafts and more.
See you there:
Monday-Friday 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
Saturdays 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Sundays 12 noon-4:00 pm
We can all benefit. The pumpkins are grown using sustainable agricultural practices that help benefit the environment. They are grown in a region of New Mexico with 42% unemployment, providing jobs for Navajo people. In addition to supporting the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, your purchase also supports St. John’s Church and its work right here in our community.
For more information on activities:
Call 508-528-2387
Visit us on Facebook at St John’s Episcopal Church
See our website at
Back on Thursday, a neighborhood off Franklin Street in Wrentham had to be evacuated when a contractor punctured a 4-inch gas main, releasing a large quantity of natural gas. Mutual aid was deployed from multiple towns, including Franklin. Fire fighters worked together to create a ‘water curtain’ to keep the gas from drifting into other structures.
The Franklin DPW Yard will be the site for a fun Fall day filled with family friendly activities on Saturday, October 14th, 10 AM to 2 PM. The event is free.
Michael B. "Mike" Crandall, of North Stonington, CT, died on Sept. 18, 2023 at the age of 63An accomplished and well-respected local blues harmonica player, Mike was stricken ill while performing in Montville and later died at Hartford Hospital. His connection to Franklin was a special one. Joe Carmignani, co-chair of the Franklin Fourth of July Coalition explains that back in 2020, when COVID hit, he had decided to rebuild the deck on his house and Mike happened to be the foreman. “We hit it off immediately and I told him about the Franklin Fourth on the Common. He gave me one of his blues CDs and the rest is history.” Mike, who had been playing blues music around the region for years, volunteered to help create a blues festival in Franklin, which he thought was a great location for such an event. Mike had many contacts and helped convince acts like Bruce Katz, Sugar Ray and the Blue Tones, Neal Vitullo and the Vipers and Mikey Junior to come to town. “He was one of the most humble and genuine individuals that I’ve ever met. He was a very talented harmonica players and a great carpenter; Paul Kortick and I are going to rename the event The Mike Crandall Franklin Blues Festival going forward,” added Carmignani.
Save the date, October 28 from 2 PM - 6 PM we’re hosting our annual Halloween Party at the station.
Kids of all ages are encouraged to come in costume and enjoy a day of candy, haunted station tours, bounce houses, games, pumpkin painting, and much more.