Roy Sees Upside in new SBA Manufacturing Push


  Roy Sees Upside in new SBA Manufacturing Push

TE Connectivity (TE), a global leader in connectors and sensors, is one of the region's manufacturing companies. TE has was named Manufacturer of the Year by the Massachusetts Legislature’s Manufacturing Caucus in 2022 TE’s plant in Medway, Mass. produces precision engineered parts (above)that are key to the manufacturing of medical devices including endoscopes, vascular access guide wires, venous introducers, catheters and many other minimally invasive devices.

Earlier this week, the U.S.
Small Business Administration
Kelly Loeffler announced the agency’s new Made
in America Manufacturing Initiative
 she said would restore American economic dominance and national security by
empowering small manufacturers.

“ I am delighted to see so much attention being paid to the manufacturing sector. In our state, manufacturing provides high paying jobs, contributes significantly to the state’s economy, and plays a vital role in driving innovation and technological advancements," said State Rep. Jeff Roy, chair of Manufacturing Caucus.

great American comeback starts with restoring American industry,” SBA
Administrator Kelly Loeffler
 said. “With the Made in America Manufacturing Initiative, we’re slashing red tape, expanding access to capital, and fueling a manufacturing resurgence that will create high-paying jobs and revitalize communities across the country. By prioritizing American-made products, we’re not just securing our economic dominance — we’re protecting our national security by ensuring the essential goods we rely on are produced right here at home. SBA’s initiative is a promise to every hardworking American and small business owner: We’re putting American jobs and strength first.”

According to Roy, manufacturing output in Massachusetts is at its highest level in history. "These efforts should help make it even better. Massachusetts exports about $56 billion in manufactured goods each year and these programs should help boost that figure," said Roy.

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