Local Republicans Choose New Leader


  Local Republicans Choose New Leader

Above, newly elected Republican Town Committee Chair, Dashe Videira.

The Franklin Republican Town Committee, per statute, held their quadrennial ‘re-formation’ meeting on Thursday evening. In conjunction with each presidential primary, town committees of both major parties are required to place those wishing to be committee members on the ballot and those that receive sufficient votes become a ‘new’ committee after the election. This new, or ‘re-formed’ committee then selects its officers.

At the Thursday meeting, Republicans voted to make Dashe Videira the new Chair, they retained Ray Fioraventi as Treasurer, and voted Alan Earls to serve as Clerk.

Videira, a mother of four and an HR professional, has been active in the Committee for nearly three years. She previously ran unaffiliated with any party, as a candidate for School Committee and then later as a Republican Candidate for Governor’s Council in the Second District. Videira said she hopes to continue involving new people in local issues and supporting candidates for State Rep, and other positions.

“In Massachusetts, Republican elected officials play a vital role in keeping Beacon Hill from becoming just a private club for the most powerful Democrat leaders,” Videira said. “We are a party of very independent-minded, individualistic people, focused on practical and realistic approaches to the challenges facing local, state, and national government,” she added.

The RTC meets most months and is active locally through events such as the Strawberry Stroll, July 4th on the Common, and Harvest Festival.

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