Town Gets (Almost) 15 Minutes of Fame


Back in the 1960s, artist Andy Warhol is supposed to have said “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” Debunkers claim Warhol was misquoted but in any case, the Town of Franklin recently managed to get almost 15 minutes  of fame (13 minutes and 59 seconds, to be exact)  in places like Framingham, Cambridge, Bennington, VT and Oradell, NJ. The local cable stations in those locales, and elsewhere, have downloaded and rebroadcast “Good Deeds, History Comes Alive: A Closer Look at the Franklin Library.” a video produced by Quincy Access Television under the auspices of the Norfolk County Register of Deeds, William O’Donnell.

The video grew out of a shorter video created late last year, part of a series about local history organized by O’Donnell. But O’Donnell, and QATV producer Mark Crosby were so intrigued by the visit they made to the town, especially the library, that they decided to do a longer piece.

"I enjoyed exploring the details of what was said and figuring out how best to visualize the story," Crosby said. "Mark's talents really makes "History Come Alive" into a remarkable gem and story in Franklin.," added O'Donnell.

The subject matter expert and narrator is Reference Librarian Vicki Earls.

Mark Crosby, Government Access Coordinator at QATV.

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