LETTER: Time for a True "One Franklin"


To the Editor:

I have been observing, with some distress, the various maneuverings and posturing around Franklin’s June override vote. Curiously, it started even before the vote occurred. It all violates both the foundational ideals of a democratic society and the “One Franklin” moniker used by a proponent group. The vote in a democratic society is meant to determine the course of action. Then everyone in that society is expected to come together and move forward.

The national news is regularly full of stories pitting one side vs the other, evil vs. good, and victory at all costs. It’s ugly and destroys the fabric of community. This chaos and fighting are now on display in Franklin. “Let’s have a new vote to reverse the first one.” “Let’s let more people whom we think we agree with us more have the vote.” Come on, Franklin. That’s not how a healthy community functions.

It’s time to all be One Franklin and move forward. People who have a position different from yours are not evil or uncaring or greedy or heartless. They’re your neighbors. We can have honest discussions about policy and direction. Remember, though, at the end of the day we’re all on the same team and people are more important than policy.

Steve Huston
Franklin, MA

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