A Franklinite's Flutie Foundation Falmouth Run


Brendan Donaghey and his stepfather.

Brendan Donaghey was one of the runners in the Falmouth Road Race on Sunday August 18 for the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism (The Flutie Foundation). This was the 52nd running of the race. Since 2000, Falmouth Road Race, Inc. has helped charity partners raise over $63.73 million and bring awareness to their causes.

Donaghey's stepfather was likewise a runner for the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation.

The Flutie Foundation provides direct financial support to families to relieve the financial burden of caring for a loved one with autism, and collaborative grant making to autism-serving organizations. The Flutie Foundation says it works towards creating opportunities for people with autism to lead lives where they are included, respected and engaged in their communities.

"The main reasons why I run the race are my grandfather used to run it for a number of years before and after I was born,” said Donaghey. “It was cool going to the race as a child and see him running it. I also have an autistic cousin which is the reason why I love running and raising money for the Flutie foundation,” Donaghey added.

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