
Above, Republican candidates and supporters at the Franklin polls Tuesday (at right, Dashe Videira running for state senate and Charles Bailey running for state rep.) Below, Democrat State Rep Jeff Roy, at Center, and supporters, also at Franklin polls.
The Massachusetts Primary yesterday produced a relatively light turnout but did have some consequences locally and statewide.
Statewide, Republicans chose Marine veteran and attorney, John Deaton to challenge Democrat US Senator Elizabeth Warren in November. He appears to have easily beaten Ian Cain, and Bob Antonellis, his two opponents.
In Franklin, local activist and Republican Town Committee Chair, Dashe Videira, chose to run a late write-in campaign to get on the November ballot to oppose incumber Democrat State Senator Becca Rausch of the Norfolk, Worcester and Middlesex district. In this she appears to have been successful, scoring nearly 400 write-ins just in Franklin, more than needed to quality.
On the Democrat ballot, a four-way contest to run in the November election for District 2 Governor’s Council, which includes Franklin and Medway, went to Tamisha Civil, a political neophyte, beating out Muriel Kramer, Sean Murphy, and David Reservitz. The results in Medway and Franklin closely matched those district wide totals.