
a scene from the Saturday Harvest Festival in Franklin
Impacts for Beaver Street Interceptor Project
the Franklin DPW: Monday (9/30) - Friday (10/4): There will also be a
construction crew working on Grove Street from Rt. 140 south
towards the MBTA train tracks between the hours of 7am - 4pm.
Grove Street will be open and reduced to a single lane. At the
Franklin Recreation Center, the construction of the new Beaver Street
Interceptor Pump Station will continue with excavation to get the
final grade depth for the pump station foundation.
Rotary Plans Pasta Supper
Rotary Club of Franklin MA has rescheduled our 32nd Annual Pasta
Supper to take place on October 10, 2024, at 5 p.m., at 1000 Central
Park Terrace, Franklin MA. “Back in June, Rotary had to make the
tough decision to postpone this event, due to the intense heat that
we were experiencing”, said President Joseph “Joe” Collins.
All senior citizens and residents of the Franklin Housing Authority
are welcome to this free event. President and head chef Joe
Collins will lead fellow Rotarians in preparing the meal of homemade
tomato sauce and over 300 hand rolled meatballs. Surprises include
some very special guests.
sheets may found at:
• Central
Park Terrace, 1000 Central Park Terrace, Franklin, MA
• Franklin
Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA
Farm & Maple Hill Planning Session scheduled for Oct 16, 2024
join town officials at the Franklin Senior Center (10 Daniel McCahill
Street) on Wednesday, October 16 from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM to see
preliminary concept designs for Schmidt's Farm and the Maple Hill
Conservation Area. Light refreshments will be provided. Be sure to
bring your input!
Training from SAFE
in learning how to administer lifesaving medicine that reverses the
effects of overdose from opioids like fentanyl, heroin, morphine, and
oxycodone? Join an upcoming SAFE Narcan training, free to the public
and no registration required. Oct. 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1:
Norfolk Public Library, 9–10am
Medway Public Library, 10:30–11am
Wrentham Public Library, 11:30am–noon
stop by the SAFE office for a 30-minute training session between
10am–1pm, Mon–Thurs. Email us to schedule a session.
Franklin Police Vet to Retire
John Ryan is saying goodbye to the Franklin Police Department after
32 years of service to the Town.
Sealing will Begin on Wednesday. October 2nd
list of roads to be crack sealed are:
parking lot
Lane (Holliston Street to 19 Fairway Lane)
Street (Applegate Road to Walnut Lane)
Ohlson Circle (remainder from the previous year)
and Econ. Dev Bd. to Hold Hearing on October 8
Planning and Economic Development Board will hold a public hearing on
October 8th at 7 pm on the proposed MBTA Communities zoning and other
proposed zoning amendments for the upcoming November 12th Town
Meeting. The public hearing will be held in Sanford Hall at 155
Village Street and available on Zoom. The Board has been working with
other town officials and residents for many months to prepare
proposed zoning that will keep the Town in compliance while
minimizing impacts on the Town residents. Come and participate in the
discussion; we want to hear from you! More information on the MBTA
Communities state law can be found here: MBTA Communities Law |
medwayma (