LETTER: Police Station Siting, It's Elementary...


Above, Parmenter School in the early 1950s (image courtesy of Maureen Sullivan)

To the Editor:

A "simple solution" to siting for a new police station! The land that the Parmenter School is sitting on, was donated by the Parmenter family for a school to be built and to be named for their deceased son, Gerald M. Parmenter. Leave the school standing, turn it into studio senior apartments for our seniors. Franklin desperately needs senior apartments! For the education component, work with the Tri-County Vocational School to allow/provide for students to have hands on training, education for C.N.A. training at these senior apartments. That's a win-win for everyone! 

Put the police station somewhere else on these 20+ acres of land donated to the Town, behind these newly created senior apartments. The Seniors will love having Franklin's Finest Police Department as neighbors!!

Judith Pond Pfeffer, Atty.

(former Town Council and School Committee member)

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