Baker Stars at Fundraiser in Local Rep Race


Above, Governor Baker 'hams it up' for State Rep Candidate Marcus Vaughn

Governor Charlie Baker hasn't done a lot of politicking of late for members of his party, but Thursday night was an exception. He arrived at a fundraiser for Wrentham resident, Marcus Vaughn, who is seeking to replace the current office-holder, Shawn Dooley. With Baker's star power, the event over flowed the venue and included a substantial contingent of Baker fans and  Vaughn supporters.

Bellingham State Rep., Mike Soter, said he and Vaughn are not typical of Beacon Hill; both have business careers and view running for office only as a chance to help citizens, not an opportunity to make money or gain power.  He also saluted Dooley who is running for State Senate in the district that includes Franklin.

Baker, for his part, spoke about how critical it is to elect Dooley and Vaughn. He said in his entire career in public life he has never seen so much money flowing into the public sector -- and so much resistance to following the law and rebating part of it to taxpayers. "Let me tell you, on Beacon Hill, no one is scrounging for nickels and quarters to make the rent -- but plenty of people in Massachusetts are doing just that right now."

Vaughn's brief remarks alluded to his quest to serve, where he reiterated how politically lopsided Beacon Hill has become. "That not what Democracy is supposed to look like," he said.

The event also featured half-a-dozen state reps, a Congressional candidate, gubernatorial candidate Chris Doughty from Wrentham, and his running mate, Kate Campanale, as well as Franklin's Dashe Videira, who is running a write-in candidacy for Governor's Council.

Below, Governor Baker chats with Marcus Vaughn, and Vaughn's mother, Ursula.

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