
Not for the first time Rep. William Straus of Mattapoisett, the chair of the House Transportation Committee, is speaking strong words about the MBTA. Back in July, when the Orang Line train caught fire above the Mystic River, Straus, who has helped to lead the Legislature's probe into the beleaguered agency, said he believed the state has reached a tipping point.
"Here we are today and we have to do something dramatic," Straus added.
Last week, in a story in Commonwealth, Straus got more specific, proposing that the ongoing crises at the T and the imminent change in gubernatorial administrations, made an ideal time to consider radical solutions. His idea, minus specifics, is that the T should confine itself to the operation of trolley, rapid transit, and bus lines serving Boston and nearby communities.
Commuter rail, which has different management requirements and economics, should be put under the jurisdiction of some other part of government, he said. Likewise, the water transportation units and even larger construction projects should be taken from the T’s existing jurisdiction.
“The T should not be viewed as a construction company for itself,” he told Commonwealth.
Straus has been focusing on the T for some time, so there is every likelihood more will be heard of this concept in the months ahead, with obvious consequences for communities like Franklin that are, to a degree, built around their commuter rail stations.
(Photo from Rep Straus's Facebook page)