PERSPECTIVES: "'Abandon all hope, ye who enter. '"


By Lawrence Benedetto, Retired Chief of Police, Franklin, MA

I recently obtained a new Florida driver’s license, somewhat reluctantly, after failing to renew my MA license on-line.

Allow me to begin by saying that in all three of my conversations with employees of the MA RMV they were courteous, understanding and generally helpful in an environment of regulations that are illogical, confusing, cumbersome and inconsiderate of the customer. I don’t need to say any more; you all know what I mean.

I ask, also, why is it that in every MA RMV office I have ever been in , the great majority are more like the processing center of the local House of Correction than a modern, well maintained edifice serving the public? Why and how can other states provide clean modern facilities and we, in one of the highest taxing states, have public facilities that resemble the outskirts of Moscow? And its not only our buildings. Our highway rest areas, when they are open, qualify as recycling centers; somewhat recently improved, the men’s rooms at Logan airport demanded a tetanus shot after use; and fiorget about maintaining our roadways and medians: the Southeast expressway’s closest relative

Is in rural Bangladesh!

The FL experience:

1. A courteous receptionist, no waiting, advises you need a passport, SS card, and two documents attesting to residence (mail); 

2. A ticket is issued and you take a seat (in a relatively new, clean, air conditioned multi offices building), in 10 minutes your number is called; 

3. A smiling, cheerful woman asks for your documents and advises that one document is faulty, but she will attempt to process the application, which the system fails to do (my error in the document matter) and further advises that after obtaining the needed document I can return to her window, no need to get back in line.;

4. A quick trip home (20 minutes) and a return to Miss Diana’s window, (Orange Blossom County building) where another applicant is being helped, she gives a slight wave and advises she will be done shortly, remain there and, NOW GET THIS!, thanks me for coming back and continues the process in the same cheerful, helpful and accommodating way as before. Further, asking and advising that the service is free for Veteran’s if you have your Veteran ID or DD 214 (I did not) as well as if the picture was satisfactory or would I like to take another one (respectfully declined). $66 dollars later, and under an hour, a new FL license in hand, I am done.

Now, if I want to renew my MA license, when I return in May, which expired on 7 April, I am sure the process will be just as efficient and accommodating, which I look forward to. 

In closing, you can obtain a 60 day temporary license renewal, somewhat complicating, and why I was unable to do so is a story for another day.

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