What may be the most substantial change in the town’s school landscape in perhaps a century is slated for a vote at Tuesday night’s school committee meeting – and according to the agenda, the change is recommended for approval.
The plan, comparable to the shift from the numerous district schools located all across the town to a handful of centralized schools early in the 20th
century, will further consolidate elementary and middle schools and lead to the closure of the Parmenter and Kennedy elementary schools, built in the 1950s and 1960s, respectively.
Until last Thursday, May 9th, the School Committee reportedly indicated it had not received the full information from the consulting firm recommending the steps, beyond what was presented to the public at the April 30 School Committee meeting. Since then, committee members have presumably been digesting the 400+ page report to enable them to make an informed vote.
Although there are many other items on tomorrow’s agenda, it is the second item under Discussion/Action that residents will be watching.
Comprehensive School Facilities Analysis Vote
I recommend approval of the Comprehensive School Facilities Analysis recommendation as detailed in the 2024 School Facilities and Educational Master Plan Report.
While redistricting in general has been discussed for some time, the draconian nature of the proposed changes caught many by surprise, especially after the lengthy deliberative process that preceded closure of the Davis Thayer School. And while many recognize a need for change, the way the change is being implemented has upset some.