LETTER TO THE EDITOR: "NO," With Good Reason


To the Editor (for publication):

In recent weeks there has been much talk about raising taxes in Franklin through an override of Proposition 2 1/2. This override would immediately increase taxes on all residents by some $6.8 million dollars. We hear and have understood the demands from the “yes” voters who tell us that everything that can be done to balance budgets and save money has been done.

However, quite simply, we are not convinced.

There are too many indications of lax fiscal discipline and questionable spending, including some recent recent salary hikes of up to 38 percent in at least one case. More importantly, there is the issue of equity. With costs of everything rising rapidly, even overwhelming the capacity of our local food pantry, it should be obvious that many if not most Franklin residents are under real financial stress. Some on the Town Council simply want everyone who is “on a budget” or older to pay up or move. This is unfair and elitist.

We are already curtailing or eliminating our own discretionary spending and focusing on the basics. The town and the school department need to do the same thing. We, therefore, urge a NO vote on Tuesday. This vote not only protects taxpayers, already taking up the tab for a new vocational school and for the storm water tax and sewer improvements, it also sends a message that we need and want better leadership and more accountability from the public sector.

Learn more at VoteNoFranklin and please go to Franklin High School on Tuesday between 6 am and 8 pm and vote!


Jane Zeman

Jay Kruza

Beverly Kruza

Jackie Maciel 

Richard P. Maciel 

John Vaccari 

Lois D’Amico

Paul Debaggis

Judith Pond Pfeffer

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