Post-Vote Online Override Survey Offered


 In the wake of last week's override vote, local activist Maxwell Morrongiello has designed and posted a survey for the community.

"I designed this survey to better understand why people voted the way they did, both for and against. I'll share the overall results and data with the public, and local media organizations. All questions are completely optional," he explained in an email.

The survey can be found here:

The survey results can be viewed here:

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An Observer Mea Culpa

Max also wrote to us on Wednesday:

"In a recent article you posted from the Statehouse News  Service, you posted it under the headline "

School Funding Shortfalls Tied to Legislature "Glitch"
To an uninformed reader they might take this to imply that the article applies to Franklin's Budget situation. Unfortunately, Franklin isn't one of the municipalities that would benefit from a fix.

Max included a link to the source document, which we had not been aware of when the article was posted and we do agree, the article does not apply to Franklin! We apologize for creating a false impression and for misunderstanding this issue.

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