GOP Wonders, Will Deaton or Cain Be Able to Slay Warren?


Above, Ian Cain, a Quincy City Councilor running for US Senate along with Franklin Republican Mark Sawyer and Dott Metcalf Saturday at the Town Common.

As many in Franklin on Saturday were focused on barbecue food, carnival rides, and an anticipation of the fireworks two Republican candidates were working the crowds and plotting to win their primary race and then beat the well-entrenched Massachusetts Senator, Elizabeth Warren.

First into the race was John Deaton, an attorney and former marine originally from Detroit who announced in February. In April, Quincy City Councilor, Ian Cain jumped into the fray.

Deaton, attended the Franklin Fireworks on Saturday, July 6th.

“As I travel throughout the state, voters are constantly telling me they’re ready for change,” Deaton said. “Senator Warren’s intentions may have been pure when she ran for the Senate 12 years ago, but her focus has shifted to representing special interest groups, and promoting her own political ambitions. People want a Senator that looks out for the working and middle class to fight for them on issues like the migrant crisis, inflation, and government spending,” he argued.

“It was great to spend time with them in Franklin and hear their concerns as we celebrated this country’s Independence Day,” he added.

For his part, on his campaign website, Cain writes, “I grew up in Quincy, living across the street from my grandparents, and had the opportunity to attend BC High before going on to Boston College and eventually receiving my MBA from Duke University. My career as an entrepreneur and businessman has led me home to Quincy where I founded and led a technology startup incubator. Throughout my career, I have focused on spurring innovation, creating opportunity and solving complex problems.

More will be heard from both in the run up to the Republican Primary on Sept, 3.

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