
ED NOTE: In response to Saturday's events, we solicited comment from a local Democrat and a local Republican. The responses are below. And, in the 'small world' department, we just heard that a the sister of a Franklin resident, originally from Pennsylvania, was in the crowd, mere yards from Donald Trump when he was hit.

Letter from a Democrat:

I was a little kid when JFK was killed, and just 5 years older when MLK and RFK we also killed. Gov Wallace was shot in 1972, and attempts were made on President Ford. John Lennon was killed in 1980, Reagan and the Pope were shot in 1981. I’ve probably missed some, but recent years have made those things more rare (not in other countries, though).

I had a teacher who said that people who elicit strong emotions are most at risk for these attacks, and maybe he had a point – and that was WAY before the advent of the internet and social media, which inflames people who are not very stable.

After I heard about the shooting, I looked at X/Twitter and saw elected Republicans making unsubstantiated claims about who was behind it. MTG blamed Democrats, the media, and Biden and is still tweeting about it, adding nasty names and threats (like “May God have mercy on our enemies because we will NOT” to her messages. GA Rep Collins, CO Rep Boebert, and OH Sen Vance all went on record blaming Biden, and their followers took off running. Sen. Lee quickly insisted that all charges against Trump be dropped so “the country could heal.” All of that rhetoric from elected federal officials is shameful! On the far left, there was nonsense talk that this was a set up by Trump in advance of the convention – not plausible except to those already inclined to believe conspiracies. I did NOT see any elected Democrats or Independents say anything except condemning the act, and wishing the former President well. Twitter is easy to use, but is indeed a swamp.

I’m not a fan of Trump, but I’m glad he wasn’t badly hurt. I’d like to think he’ll be more accepting on regulations about the easy availability of an automatic weapons, but I doubt it; Scalia didn’t change after he was shot. I do think that social media played a role and I suspect we’ll hear about the shooter’s social media presence and maybe something about his mental stability.

I’m upset, but not surprised, at the quick-to-point politicians who didn’t want to wait for evidence before making a statement, and I’m pleased that so many others expressed concern and best wishes to someone they don’t like.

Other than that, we should all wait for evidence.

-- Name withheld at the request of the author

Letter from a Republican:

"Regardless of one's stance on Donald Trump, this is a somber time for all Americans. The assassination attempt at the Pennsylvania rally has left many physically, mentally, and emotionally shaken. While we often speak of love, kindness, and pride, Saturday's events starkly highlight the deep divisions within our nation. I pray we find it in our hearts to reflect on the reality of this situation, the victim who lost his life and those injured, and remind ourselves that we have the power to unite to make America a great nation once again.

-- Dashe Videira, Chair, Republican Town Committee

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