King Street Stays, Rainy Day Fund Goes


The Town Council heard more than a half hour of citizen comments before diving into its agenda Wednesday night. One of the much-anticipated issues was whether the developer who proposed rezoning of two King Street lots would get the additional vote needed to move forward.

However, thanks to vociferous opposition, the measure was eventually defeated unanimously, but not before Councilor Cobi Frongillo warned that only continuous development of properties in town could provide the revenues needed to maintain town services.

Later, after a lively discussion engaging many of the citizens present, which rehashed many of the same points raised during the override effort, the Council voted to provide $1 million from the stabilization fund, otherwise known as the ‘rainy day’ account, to help the schools with their current funding shortfall.

At the end of the meeting a brief discussion was prompted by mention of the Davis Thayer committee minutes. The town, it seems, is looking to a national company to potentially handle many or all of the note-taking and editing needed to produce minutes.

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