Franklin's Dashe Videira Aims for Ballot Slot to Challenge Rausch


Local Franklin activist Dashe Videira, has not shied away from political challenges, but even she was surprised when acquaintances from across the Norfolk, Worcester and Middlesex state senatorial district began suggesting that she run against unopposed Democrat incumbent, Senator Becca Rausch.

The suggestions quickly turned into a small organization of like-minded people, determined to get Dashe on the November ballot. That tiny organization has now turned into dozens of volunteers, printing stickers, offering instructions, and above all trying to get Republican and Independent voters to the polls on Tuesday, Sept. 3, the date of the Massachusetts primary and the day after Labor Day, to write in Dashe Videira's name and address on the currently blank "Senator in District Court" slot of the Republican Ballot. If she gets enough write-ins or 'stickers' -- she will be pitted in November against Rausch, who is seeking her fourth term on Beacon Hill.

Dashe describes herself as a dedicated wife and mother of four, "passionately committed to the values embedded in America’s founding principles."

According to her biographical statement, she previously homeschooled her children in collaboration with local families in Franklin, focusing on project-based learning and nature-based education through microschools.

Dashe earned her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Bridgewater State College and a graduate degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of the Rockies. With a background in Human Resource Management, she guided parents and children in managing thoughts, emotions, and daily routines, fostering safe and nurturing home environments that supported spiritual, emotional, and physical growth.

Believing in the strength of the country, Dashe empowers families to face societal pressures with confidence. She advocates for the protection of God-given freedoms and encourages parents to take an active role in their children’s education.

In addition to her consulting work, Dashe teaches weekly early-morning Barre classes and works for the Archdiocese of Boston in Multicultural Ministries. In her spare time, she enjoys reading about the Founding Fathers, metaphysical philosophies, the lives of the saints, spirituality, self-growth, and environmental protection and health—especially when it comes to caring for "Mother Earth."

Recently elected as Chair of the Franklin Republican Town Committee, Dashe has been active in the committee for nearly three years. She has also run as a candidate for School Committee and as a Republican candidate for the Governor’s Council in the Second District. As Chair, she seeks to involve more people in local politics and support candidates focused on practical, realistic solutions for local, state, and national challenges. Under her leadership, the Franklin RTC actively participates in local events such as the Strawberry Stroll, Fourth of July celebrations, and the Harvest Festival.

Dashe also serves as the Secretary of the Board for the Maximum Impact Foundation, which supports local businesses through educational initiatives, training scholarships, and grants to foster business growth and entrepreneurship. Additionally, she is a board member of Community Matters, a nonprofit organization that provides a number of community-focused programs.

More information on Dashe is available on her website:

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