Local Vet part of #StillServing Campaign


Franklin veteran Amber DeGrandpre (in floral dress) and her support dog Sway, who are being honored for dedication to country and community in the VFW #StillServing campaign, pictured here at the town of Franklin’s inaugural Pride Flag Raising. Photo credit: Amber DeGrandpre

 Franklin veteran Amber DeGrandpre and her support dog Sway are being honored for dedication to country and community in the VFW #StillServing campaign, according to a press release.  Amber is a member at VFW Post 3402 in Franklin.

The national Veterans of Foreign Wars #StillServing (vfw.org/stillserving) campaign highlights veterans who continue to serve in their community after the military. DeGrandpre and her service dog in training Sway are #StillServing at the Franklin LGBTQ Alliance.  Sway has been the unofficial mascot and support dog for the organization and together the pair is #StillServing by advocating for mental health coordination between the LGBTQ+ population and veterans at events from Annual Pride Festivals, Pride flag raising and planting, Transgender Day of Awareness observations, game nights, book clubs, monthly meetings and much more. 

For many people who struggle with anxiety or depression, dogs can be less intimidating than people and Sway absolutely demands to be loved and is happy to facilitate introductions or just be a happy face, wet nose and wagging tail to make someone feel loved. DeGrandpre is #StillServing because she loves the LGBTQ+ community and feels very passionate about the overlap and work that needs to be done between the LGBTQ+, veterans/service members and mental health services. 

More on the VFW initiative can be found here: https://todaysvfw.org

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