St. Rocco’s ‘Feast’ Returns at the Franklin Historical Museum Saturday


For long-time Franklin residents, the mention of the Feast of St.
Rocco’s, a long-running, Catholic-inspired, but open-to-all event,
often produces a wistful, far away look. And with many good reasons.
There were of course the carnival rides, especially popular with
younger people, and games, and food, food, food – much of it made
with love and devotion by local families of Italian heritage.

Nothing quite like that is possible any more. The right to use the grounds of the
Hayward Estate lapsed and it isn’t clear whether there would ever
be another group of volunteers dedicated enough to relaunch. But,
absent the ’real thing’ the museum is hoping to provide a taste
of the ‘old days’ for those that remember and those that wish
they had been there.

In conjunction with the Harvest Festival on Saturday, from noon to 5pm, the Museum
at 80 West Central Street (near the Fire Station) will be festooned
with Italian flags. But that’s just to get the attention of
passersby! Also on tap will be:

  • Pizza from
    the Rome Restaurant will be sold by the slice on the front steps of
    the museum, along with bottled water, by The Friends of the Franklin
  • A limited
    supply of cannolis will be available for free from museum staff,
    with a suggested (and much appreciated) donation of $3 each.
  • Franklin’s
    Marcella DiChiara, recently a star contestant on PBS’s Great
    American Recipe show, will share clips and stories of her experience
    along with tips about cooking Sicilian style at 1 o’clock
  • From 2-4 PM
    Emilian Badea, an accomplished musician from the Boston area, will
    entertain on the accordion with a selection of music, including Italian
  • Commmissioner
    Randy LaRosa will also be chiming in during the afternoon on his
  • The Reunion
    Board will showcase scores of Italian family names from
    the Franklin area ( from Adiletto and Arcaro to Vipraio and Vozzella)
    with a chance for visitors to mark their connections with a push pin
    and perhaps stay to chat at the...
  • ... Reunion
    Table, which will include complimentary sweets and water,
    invites visitors to connect and chat. Come and catch up with a
    long-lost cousin!
  • Representatives
    from the beautiful Italian-American
    of Walpole, which is seeking new members, will be on site,
    and offering a raffle to win a Bocce Set! (The club has active Bocce leagues -- maybe a chance for Franklin to field some players.)
  • AND, the
    Bocce Players of the Franklin Senior Center have been invited to
    come and share their skills with those interested in learning (this is not

The Museum hopes
to make this an annual celebration of the town’s Italian heritage
as well as a fun, engaging event for everyone, no matter your
ethnicity or faith.

Incidentally, St.
Rocco is traditionally honored in many predominantly Roman Catholic
countries and has been associated with efforts to ward off plague and
is a a
patron saint of dogs, invalids, falsely accused people, and
even bachelors!

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