Recent Legal Notices


Public Legal Notices for Franklin and Medway filed in local
newspapers and made available to the public via
the web
site and other sources:


ESTATE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court
Norfolk Probate and Family Court 35 Shawmut Road Canton, MA 02021
NOTICE Estate of: Maureen Whalen Date of Death: 07/06/2024
To all persons interested in the above-captioned estate, by Petition
of Petitioner Stephen Whalen of Franklin MA
Stephen Whalen of Franklin MA
has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the
estate to serve without surety on the bond. The estate is
being administered under informal procedure by the Personal
Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without
supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to
be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to
notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative
and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate,
including distribution of assets and expenses of administration.
Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute
formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting
the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal
procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained
from the Petitioner

* * * * *

In accordance with the Town
of Bellingham's Zoning
§240-101, Special Residential Use - Townhouse Dwellings, §240-16,
Development Plan Approval, and §240-54 Stormwater Management, the
Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 10,
2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Arcand Meeting Room in the Municipal Center,
10 Mechanic Street, Bellingham, MA as well as utilizing the Virtual
Meeting option found on the Town of Bellingham website, The general public may participate in person.
The applicant and owner, Wall Street Development Corp, Inc, proposes
to construct 156 two-bedroom townhouses in 52 buildings, with
3-townhome dwellings in each building, as well as associated
improvements. The primary and secondary access to
the project will be off Prospect Street in
Franklin (the
Development). The property is located off Prospect Street
approximately 72+/- acres of land, shown on Assessor's Map 65-Lot 20
& 22, Assessor Map 69, Lot 87 zoned Agriculture. The plans
were prepared by GLM Engineering Consultants, Inc., 19 Exchange
Street, Holliston, MA 01746. The applications and plans may be viewed
at the Planning and Zoning Office or Town Clerk's office in the
Municipal Center, 10 Mechanic Street in Bellingham, MA during regular
Municipal Center business hours. For questions please contact the
Town Planner at 508-657-2893. William F. O'Connell Jr.,
Chairman Bellingham Planning Board

* * * * *

ESTATE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court
Probate and Family Court Norfolk Probate and Family Court 35 Shawmut
Road Canton, MA 02021 (781) 830-1200 Docket No. NO24P2379EA CITATION
Date of Death: 06/10/2024 To all interested persons: A
Petition for Formal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal
Representative has been filed by Mary A. Hazlett of Franklin MA
requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for
such other relief as requested in the Petition. The Petitioner
requests that: Mary A. Hazlett of Franklin MA
be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve
Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration.
IMPORTANT NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition
from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to
this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written
appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the
return day of 10/09/2024. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline
by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you
object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written
appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections
within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken
without further notice to you. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION
Representative appointed under the MUPC in an unsupervised
administration is not required to file an inventory or annual
accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are
entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from the
Personal Representative and may petition the Court in any matter
relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets and
expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Patricia Gorman , First
Justice of this Court. Date: September 06, 2024 Colleen M. Brierley
Register of Probate.

* * * * * *

MA The Franklin Town
Council will hold a second reading and final vote on the adoption of
three Town Code Bylaw Amendments summarized as follows:
24-914: Chapter 82, Fees, Municipal Service - Revises Chapter 82 at
§82-4 Community Assistance Program, §82-5 Service Fee
Definitions and §82-6 Schedule of Service Fees as follows: •
§82-4 Community Assistance Program - Increases the percentage
of credit per quarter that qualifying residents are eligible to
receive on their water, sewer and trash bills from 20% to 50%
• §82-5 Service Fee Definitions - Revises multiple service
fee definitions and adds two service fee definitions relative to
water / sewer fees • §82-6 Schedule of Service Fees -
Revises the fee schedule by amending multiple existing service fees,
removing multiple existing service fees and adding multiple new
service fees 24-915: Chapter 139, Sewers - Revises Chapter
139, §139-5 Permits, Subsection I as follows: • Paragraph
6 - Strikes and replaces existing paragraph in its entirety to update
which pipe materials are considered to be acceptable •
Paragraph 11 - Strikes and replaces existing paragraph in
its entirety to update language relative to the drain layers
license to conform with the fee schedule, current practice, and
updated insurance requirements. 24-916: Chapter 147, Snow and
Ice, Removal of - Adds §147-5, Exception to compliance, which
authorizes the Department of Public Works Director to waive
compliance with the bylaw by private residential property owner(s)
based on a determination of undue financial hardship to said private
residential property owner(s) The full copies of all three
bylaws with proposed amendments are available for inspection in the
Town Administrator's office located at the Municipal Building, 3rd
floor, 355 E. Central Street, Franklin,
and on the Town website (
The second reading and final votes on adoption of each of
these bylaw amendments will take place during the Town Council Public
Meeting beginning at 7:00 pm on October 16, 2024; there will be an
opportunity for public input during the process. Location: Municipal
Building, 2nd Floor Council Chambers, 355 E. Central
Street, Franklin,
and also via the “ZOOM” platform. Residents can visit the Town
website (
town calendar to review the agenda including full text of proposed
bylaw amendments, and for up to date meeting information, on and
after October 11, 2024. Please call the Town Administrator's Office
at (508) 520-4949 if you require further information or to make
arrangements for translation services. Submitted by, Julie

* * * * *

Drive LEGAL NOTICE Town of Franklin Conservation
Commission Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Ch. 131, s.40
(Wetlands Protection Act), the Franklin Conservation
Commission will hold a Hybrid Public Hearing on Thursday, October 3,
2024 at 7:03 PM on a Notice of Intent filed by Tom Schutz of Goddard
Consulting, LLC, Northborough, MA on behalf of Paul
Longobardi, Franklin,
MA. Proposed work includes construction of a private access road for
the creation of a five-lot subdivision, complete with a stream and
wetland crossing, wetland replication and cul-de-sac, as well as
grading and an associated stormwater management system. Approximately
2,396 square feet (sf) of work is proposed within Bordering Vegetated
Wetlands (BVW), with approximately 40.5 linear feet (lf) of temporary
impact proposed within inland Bank. Additionally, approximately
31,780 sf of work is proposed within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW,
of which approximately 4,877 sf is within the 25- foot “No
Disturbance” Zone to BVW; approximately 5,952 sf is within the 25-
to 50-foot Buffer Zone to BVW; and 20,951 sf is within the 50- to
100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW. The Project is located off of the
Southwestern corner of Byron's Way and Louise Drive, Map 339 Lots 9,
13, 14, 15 and 16, and Map 349 Lot 2, within the Rural Residential I
Zone. The hearing will provide an open forum for the
discussion. This meeting will be done remotely via the “ZOOM”
platform and “In-person” in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 355 East Central Street. Residents can visit the Town
Website (
and click on the Town Calendar for up to date information on how to
access the meeting. All records and files for this project can
be viewed at the Conservation Office located on the first floor of
the Franklin Municipal
Building. Any person or organization so wishing will be
afforded an opportunity to be heard. The hearing location is
accessible to persons with physical disabilities. If you require a
translator or accommodations for a hearing impairment, contact the
Conservation Department at the Municipal Building or by calling (508)
520-4929. Jeff Livingstone Conservation Chair


to Medway Zoning
Bylaw Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Pursuant to G.L. c. 40A, §5,
the Medway Planning
and Economic Development Board (PEDB) will conduct a public hearing
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Sanford Hall, located
in Medway Town
Hall at 155 Village Street, Medway,
to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Medway Zoning
Bylaw and Zoning Map. As a courtesy, access via Zoom will also be
provided. The proposed amendments have been prepared for
inclusion on the warrant for consideration at the November 12, 2024,
town meeting. The subject matter of the proposed amendments is
summarized below. The specific article identifiers will be revised as
the Select Board finalizes the warrant and assigns warrant article
numbers. ARTICLE 1 – MBTA Communities zoning – To
establish a new multi-family overlay district allowing multi-family
housing by right, at a density to comply with G.L. c. 40A, §3A,
known as the MBTA Communities zoning, as a new Section 5.6.5 of the
Zoning Bylaw. Would also amend the zoning map to establish two new
multi-family overlay districts compliant with c. 40A, §3A: one
district would be located at 15 through 39 West Street and 29 Stone
Street; the other would be located at 31, 33 and 39 Main Street.
ARTICLE A – Central Business zoning – To make changes to the
requirements for mixed-use development under Section 10.3.D in the
Central Business district (CBD), by changing the front setback for
multifamily buildings to ten feet, allowing a four story building to
be 45 feet in height, and other minor amendments; and by amending
certain sections of the Oak Grove Park Districts zoning that are
applicable in the CBD to allow gas pumps to be located beside a gas
station building, and to make conforming amendments to allow a four
story building to be 45 feet in height. ARTICLE B – Signs
and Façade Review – To change the time period in which the Design
Review Committee must schedule its review of sign permits and façade
review permits from 15 to 21 days. ARTICLE C – Schedule of
Uses – To remove “Ski Areas” from the Schedule of Uses, and
insert a new use, “Food Pantry”, and allow food pantries in
certain districts by right or by special permit, and insert a
definition of food pantry. Drafts of the proposed amendments
are on file at the offices of the Town Clerk and the Community and
Economic Development Department at Medway Town
Hall, 155 Village Street, and may be reviewed during regular business
hours. The proposed amendments will also be posted online at the
PEDB's web page at the Town's web site:
For further information or questions, contact the Planning office at
508-533-3291. Written comments may be sent to the PEDB at 155 Village
Street, Medway,
MA 02053 or emailed to:

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