In Other News


Beaver Street to be Closed Part of Week

A Construction Update for the Week of October 28th for Franklin’s Beaver St. Interceptor...

Monday (10/28) - Friday (11/1): Beaver Street from RT. 140 (West Central Street) to the Franklin Recreation Center will be closed, see interactive map for location. The road closure will be from 7am to 4pm, Monday thru Friday. Those needing to access Beaver Street and the businesses/properties located on that section of Beaver Street will be detoured over to Grove Street. When the contractor is able to, they will open up one way traffic from RT. 140 towards Grove Street. Please follow all posted detour signs and be prepared for delays.

At the Franklin Recreation Center, the construction of the new Beaver Street Interceptor Pump Station will continue with concrete form placement and rebar tying for the pump station foundation. On Tuesday October 29th, a small concrete pour is scheduled in the morning, prior to activities starting at the Recreation Center.

Highwood Drive Suffers Water Main Break

According to New England Fire News, a water main break in the Highwood Drive area if Franklin was reported around 10:30 AM Saturday by the Franklin Police. DPW responded and shut off the water in the area. According to Doug Martin Water & Sewer Superintendent, the area and infrastructure is private and the property manager was bringing in a company to repair the leak. The repair was initially estimated to take 4 to 6 hours however,  finally, at   10 pm, Martin was able to report that the water was being turned on again!

Medway Sets Ceremony and 103-Year-Old Speaker for Veterans’ Day

The Medway Memorial Committee has completed arrangements for the upcoming Veterans Day ceremonies on November 11, 2024, at the VFW, 123 Holliston St. Along with our ceremonies honoring the men and women serving in the US military, we will have a special guest speaker, Dr. Vincent Arone of Hopedale. Dr. Arone was was a member of the Army Air Force, serving in the Central Pacific theater as a Belly Gunner radio operator on the AB-24 Bomber of the 42nd Bomber Squadron, achieving the rank of Staff Sergeant. He enlisted in September 1942 and until December 1, 1945. 103-year-old Dr. Arone is the last surviving member of his aircrew on the Belle of Texas! Dr. Arone's story is exciting and enlightening. All veterans are invited to this ceremony to honor their service to our nation.

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