
To the Editor:
About that accused murderer who was arrested by I. C . E. in Medway or Milford? Whom did he murder? Where was the murder committed? Was the accused arraigned before a court in Massachusetts? What due process was exercised? Were the rules governing American Jurisprudence observed? Was this just some more propaganda stunt from the Trump People armed with non-specific and horrific claims and with nothing specific or concrete. What was the evidence of wrong-doing to back those claims of this individual being in fact guilty of murder? Just wondering. I bet that there are no answers to these questions out there. It is very easy for a government authority just to say, “This illegal alien is a killer, and we shall deport him without bothering the courts with pesky details." Here in these United States in 2025 as I approach the end of my 81st year of life, I find it very disturbing that due-process is scorned by authorities if this government. I was taught that things of arbitrary nature could not be done to people living in this nation, citizen or non-citizen without due process of law which should apply equally to everyone.
If I was arrested for murder, you could bet that there would be fundamental information in the local press like who the murdered individual was , the modus operandi employed in the murder, and the location of the crime, as well as all general information as revealed in my arraignment before duly constituted court authority. Yes, I would be arraigned for the commission of the alleged crime or crimes charged against me, and please remember that under our laws as they still exist, I am presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. Regardless as to whether or not I am a citizen, I should be held in custody by either the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or by judicial authorities and bound over to the jurisdiction of the courts for trial not summary deportation. Was any of this done in this case or was this individual or was he just summarily deported? If this person is guilty of murder, he should be tried under the laws of this nation or Commonwealth such as the case might be. If he is found guilty, he should be sentenced accordingly. This is just normal police and court procedure in our democracy. I suppose that we still have a democracy where even the President of the United States must abide by judicial rulings. Do we still have a democracy anymore? Just asking.
Yours in freedom,
James C. Johnston Jr.
Franklin, Mass.