Franklin Ponds Avoid Algal Blooms, So Far


  Franklin Ponds Avoid Algal Blooms, So Far

Although a growing number of fresh water lakes and ponds in Massachusetts have been placed on an algae-bloom advisory, so far, Franklin has been “okay.”
In Natick and Wayland, most of Lake Cochituate is under an advisory as are Sunset Lake in Braintree and Lake Pearl in Wrentham. Franklin Health Director Cathleen Liberty said Beaver Pond is checked regularly for e. coli levels. “Blue green algae is observed and we have never had an issue with that at Beaver pond,” she said. Beaver Pond is the only body of water monitored by the town.

Uncas Pond, which fronts Camp Haiastan, several private residences, and the Franklin Rod & Gun Club has one small area for public access. And that, according to a member of the Rod & Gun Club, means the state also checks that pond periodically. However, Populatic may not be part of the testing program since its shoreline is privately controlled.

Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, can create a foul-smelling scum. According to the Centers for Disease Control, a bloom can be harmful when the toxins (cyanotoxins) it produces in air and water reach concentrations that are dangerous to people, marine life, pets,  and the environment.

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