The First Universalist Society in Franklin (FUSF) is pleased to announce our Summer Sunday Worship Series for 2024. Please join us each Sunday as we explore the Unitarian Universalist (UU) values of Equity, Transformation, Generosity, Interdependence, Justice, Pluralism and Love.
All services start at 10:00 am.
Afterwards, please plan to stay for cookies and conversation.
UU Value of Interdependence: The Web of All Existence
Please join us as FUSF lay leader and landscape architect Steve Derdiarian explores one of the new Unitarian Universalist values, Interdependence. He will start by examining the Interdependent Web against the perspective of the scale of time, then how we share relationships with plants and living creatures in our own backyard and finally, how we, as humankind, fit into this amazing tapestry of life. Steve will also touch upon some of the things we each can do to promote biodiversity in our lives, and share the first exciting steps FUSF has taken this spring to promote biodiversity on our property. After service please feel free to walk the grounds which include new native plant gardens, a peace pole and garden and a labyrinth.
The First Universalist Society in Franklin is a Unitarian Universalist Welcoming Congregation located at 262 Chestnut Street, Franklin MA. For further information about FUSF please explore our website at or contact our Interim Minister, the Reverend Beverly Waring at 508- 528- 5348 or
First Universalist Society in Franklin (FUSF)
262 Chestnut Street
Franklin Town, MA 02038
United States