
Fast food we have aplenty, and purveyors of most other modern wants and needs are also well represented in Franklin. But ice cream, not so much. The last (that we know of) ice cream stand was Spruce Pond Creamery, gone now for more than a year.  Other than that, if you wanted ice cream, it was head to the supermarket or get out of town.

Gelato, the Italian shaded variety of our favorite dessert, has been available at Ferrara's Market from our favorite Good Humor Man, Joe DeGaetano, but  a bit out of the way for some....

But something even bigger is on the way. At last week's meeting of the Franklin Downtown Partnership, Rae Lynn Mercer announced that space no longer used for retail at her Franklin School for the Performing Arts on Main Street is being redesigned and refitted as a full-scale gelato bar. Yep.

No more details so far, but we would imagine an opening at the end of winter would make sense.  We will be ready!

All images used under creative commons license

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