Dog Park Founder Comes Full Circle


Above, volunteers working to build the Dog Park several years ago, Haley Goulet at center front.

The Franklin Dog Park, located within the Dacey Field complex, is a fixture in town, well-known and well-loved by dog owners – and their dogs. But it might not have come into being but for a lot of volunteers and the spark and energy provided by Haley Goulet, a Girl Scout back in 2011, with a very good idea.

“Jeff Nutting, our town administrator at the time, was so supportive; it would not have happened without him, I am quite sure of that,” said Goulet.

Above,  Haley Goulet and former Town Manager Jeff Nutting at Park ribbon cutting.

“I formed the dog park committee back in 2015 before I went off to college. I have stayed in contact with the committee since then,” Goulet explained.

And in December, the committee elected her president, putting her back in charge of a project that was her brainchild originally, though she noted that the committee includes a full slate of officers.

“I am happy to rejoin now and step up as the president of the committee,” she adds. Goulet is going to be taking over as dog park president as Gennarino D’Onofrio, who helmed the committee from its inception, steps away to take time for himself and his family, she explained. “He has had such an amazing impact on the park and I am so incredibly sad to see him go,” said Goulet.

Gennarino had been the contact point between the organization and town employees and organized all the fundraisers since 2015. “He is well known and well-loved at the park for bringing his homemade dog treats with him everywhere he goes,” she said, adding that the last batch was blueberry oatmeal! “We regularly attend the Harvest Festival and the Strawberry Stroll in town as well as hosting a yearly Howl-ween costume contest at the dog park, thanks to Gennarino,” said Goulet. These events are the Park’s primary fundraisers now.

Oddly, Goulet hasn’t become a Dog Park user!

“My personal dog story is rather funny,” she explained. “I have actually never brought a dog to the dog park. Way back in 2011 when we first put the fence up my family had a dog that was quite reactive and uncomfortable around other dogs. I would bring her and train her outside the fence but we never went in. Our current family dog is quite social but I do not live in our family home anymore so the opportunity has not arisen! Though the park was still a labor of love. But for the people's community building. While a dog park provides a great location for dogs to learn how to socialize with a wide variety of other canines it also provides people a place to connect with their neighbors.”

Haley Goulet today, when not working on the Dog Park, is employed at a non profit farm.

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