Touché! Opponents of King St Rezone also Take to


A few months ago, land owners asking the town to rezone lands along King Street mounted a petition drive on to gather support for exactly that. So far, though, the matter remains unresolved, with the Town Council recently sending it back to the Planning Board.

And now, those who oppose the rezoning are also gathering support via

The current posting reads as follows:

Started by Christina Percuoco

Franklin Residents and surrounding King Street Community, please consider signing.

My name is Christina Percuoco and I have been a Franklin resident for the past 3 years, residing at 637 King Street after purchasing my first home in 2022. Being a new homeowner, I was looking forward to joining an active residential community where neighbors regularly utilize the sidewalks for leisurely walks, accompanying their children to the local daycare, playground, and community gardens. Since June of last year, a real estate developer has set his sights on the two Residentially zoned parcels directly across the street from my home, 634 & 648 King Street. One of these Residential parcels has been the family home to its occupants for over 20 years. The proposed rezoning would necessitate the demolition of this family home, that is well maintained and in sound condition, and allow for a myriad of disruptive businesses to enter our residential neighborhood.

This real estate developer has tried to garner local endorsement by stating these 2 parcels are not Residential, which is plainly not true. All abutting properties on King Street, excluding the Franklin Fire Station, which is set back over 100 ft from the road, are zoned Single Family Residential III and should remain so.

The developers have stated on public record that they are exploring building a gas station with accessory convenience store. This possibility, arguably the most impactful in terms of potential health risks, property value decline, noise pollution, and environmental concerns related to the adjacent wetlands, is just one example of the types of disruptive enterprises that could be permitted if these parcels were to be rezoned from Residential to Business.

Approving this rezoning would destroy the character of the neighborhood we love and bring in additional congestion to an already heavily trafficked area by our Franklin Fire Station. An increase in traffic associated with a Business Zone in this area, directly abutting the Fire Station, could impede the prompt deployment of emergency vehicles and increase the risk of traffic collisions.

Together with my fellow residents on King Street, we have united to respectfully petition against this rezoning. We kindly request your support in preserving the existing character and quality of life that define our neighborhood. Thank you for any support you can provide.

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