
This Saturday, January 4, is the Lions Club's Bottle and Can Drive! Place your redeemable bottles and cans at the end of your driveway by 8:30 a.m. The Medway Lions volunteers who transform these bottles and cans into help for the community.
On a monthly basis, the Medway Lions Club collects redeemable bottles and cans from the community, either curbside or from donations dropped off at the Lions Bottles and Cans shed in front of West Medway Liquors on Main Street. The proceeds from these drives are used exclusively for community efforts in Medway. Redeemable donations may be made at any time at the Lions Bottles and Cans shed at West Medway Liquors.
Medway Lions also raise money at the local, state, national and even international level to assist in eye research. Please click on Who We Help to view a comprehensive list.
"When we aren't raising money, we are involved in service projects throughout the year such as The Sunshine Group Walk-a-thon and Senior Citizens Barbecue. We proudly sponsor the Medway Leos Club as well as locally held concerts. We collect donated eyeglasses and hearing aids via the drop box at the Medway CVS on Route 109.
"We truly appreciate the donations of either money, eyeglasses/hearing aids and/or time that we receive from the community and local businesses in support of our community service and charitable efforts. WE COULDN'T DO WHAT WE DO WITHOUT YOU!"