Ever since it was released in Germany in 1927, Metropolis has been a widely admired film. Set in a futuristic urban dystopia, it follows the attempts of Freder, the son of one of the wealthy rulers of the city, and Maria, a caring and humane character, to help the workers overcome the vast gulf separating the classes in their city. The pioneering sci-fi film creates scenes and robotic images that have been widely repeated in the genre ever since.
The showing, at Cinema 80 Saturday night, features a faster-paced, and tightly edited version of the film crafted by Georgio Moroder and loaded with 1980s synth-pop music. The film starts at 6 pm at the Franklin Historical Museum, 80 West Central Street, and runs about 80 minutes.
Cinema 80 is a project of the Franklin Historical Museum and the Franklin Senior Center, curated by Chris Leverone. FREE