
After getting a late start in 2020 in an attempt to unseat State Rep. Jeff Roy, this year, Charles “Chuck” Bailey is launching early and plans to slog to a win in November.
Charles “Chuck” Bailey, a long-time Franklin resident as well as a former Franklin Firefighter, has announced his campaign for election to be the state rep for the 10th Norfolk District, representing Franklin and Medway. To do so, he must best the long-serving (since 2013) Jeffrey Roy, who has many long-standing political relationships, not to mention a substantial five-figure ‘war chest.’
But Bailey, sniffing widespread dissatisfaction with many aspects of state policy, sees an opportunity to connect with voters and succeed with a message of change.
Bailey is magna cum laude graduate of Dean College, earning a BA in Psychology He has nearly 30 years of experience as a paramedic and also was at one time a squad leader in the Army. He
and wife Annamaria, raised a son and daughter, here, both graduates of Franklin High School.
It’s been good, but Bailey worries for his son and daughter and almost everyone else in Massachusetts, priced out of homes and struggling to make ends meet as inflation continues to rage. Its what he calls a “crisis of affordability” and he blames much of it on Beacon Hill policies.
“I want to be a voice of common sense and reason,” he said.
Bailey is holding a kickoff event for his campaign on Patriot’s Day, Monday, April 15th, at 6:00 pm, Sierra’s Pizza & Pub, 370 King Street. In addition to “meet and greet” Bailey is also hoping attendees will support his campaign financially.