Override Special Election Set for June


Above, Sean Slater makes the case for putting the vote off until November...

Wednesday evening, the Town Council discussed various financial and municipal matters, and they also discussed the school budget override and its potential impact on the community, as well as the town's financial challenges. The marathon session, which began at 7 and extended until well after 11 pm, include input from many residents as well as town officials describing the potential damage to programs and services if they are forced to make dramatic cuts without an override.

Finally, around 11, the matter came to a vote. All councilors voted to go ahead with an override vote. Debbie Pellegri was the only one to vote no on the June 11 date, but her lone vote didn’t change things.

Pellegri did ask Town Administrator Jamie Hellen to provide a full, clear explanation of the ballot question to voters in advance of the election day, Tuesday, June 11. Now it is up to One Franklin and VoteNOFranklin to persuade their voters to participate in the process.

A link to the full video can be found here.

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