School Food Service Director Receives Award


Slow-cooked LOCAL Spareribs (from MeatWorks, Westport, MA) coated with a homemade BBQ Sauce on the menu at FHS approximately 4 months ago (image from Linkedin page)

Superintendent Lucas Giguere yesterday shared that two Franklin Public Schools employees, Carlos Rebelo (covered previously in Observer) and Colin Boisvert, have each won professional awards.

Boisvert received the Food Service Director of the Year award from the School Nutrition Association. The Director of the Year award recognizes school nutrition directors for the contributions they have made throughout their school nutrition careers.

According to the School Department press release, Boisvert has served in his current role as Food Service Director since 2016 in the Franklin Public Schools. He has grown the program and has an extremely talented staff that is willing to try new products and ideas with the students.

Boisvert’s LinkedIn page states that he actually left the system to serve as Director Of Nutrition Services for Needham Public Schools from July 2021 to July 2022. He had come to Franklin originally from Westwood Public Schools in 2016 and was tasked with meeting federal school meal nutrition requirements, a job that had been handled by an outside firm for the previous five years and deemed too expensive by the school department. 

Under Boisvert's tenure, school menus have since become much more elaborate and appealing in an effort to get kids interested in eating properly.

"I am so honored to have been awarded Director of the Year for the State of Massachusetts," said Boisvert. "It is such rewarding work to provide nutritious meals for students. I am so proud of our program and the dedicated staff that work hard every day to ensure every student has a meal."

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