Roy and Bailey Hold Events in Runup to November


Above, left, Charles Bailey speaks Thursday evening. Right, Jeff Roy and supporters, Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll and Rep Aaron Michlewicz at Tuesday event.

the season of fundraisers, with State Rep.
Jeffrey Roy kicking
his 2024 re-election campaign at La Cantina Winery in Franklin on
Tuesday night along with an
all-star political cast that included
Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll as one of his featured speakers. She was joined
by House Ways & Means Chair Aaron Michlewicz (D-Boston), Sen.
Becca Rausch (D-Needham), Town Councilor Robert Dellorco, SAFE
Coalition CEO Jen Levine, and Campaign Chair Mike Doherty. That’s
not even counting another 22 legislative colleagues who came from all
parts of Massachusetts to support Roy.

Thursday evening, at the folksier venue of the Franklin Rod & Gun
Club, local former first responder, Charles Bailey, made his pitch
and solicited funds from an enthusiastic group of Medway and Franklin
voters, each seeming to have a gripe about local and state policies.
Bailey spent much of the time allotted for his formal remarks to
criticizing the MBTA Communities Act, which is pushing urbanization
out from Boston and undermining local communities. Bailey
noted that the act has been very unpopular in Medway, eliciting a
protest letter to the Governor from the Selectboard, though in
contrast, Franklin town government has largely embraced the measure. He also criticized Roy's singular focus on offshore wind turbines, particularly since the recent blade failure incident off of Nantucket.

is seeking re-election for a seventh term in the 10th Norfolk
District which includes all of Franklin and precincts 2, 3 and 4 in
Medway. Bailey
challenged him previously as a write-in candidate but in this
election cycle built a more traditional campaign that got him on the
ballot early.

currently serves as Chair of the Joint Committee on
Telecommunications, Utilities & Energy and is the House’s lead
negotiator on climate and energy legislation. He previously served as
Chair of the Joint Committee on Higher Education and as Acting Chair
of the Joint Committee on Health Care Finance. He also serves as
House Chair of the Manufacturing Caucus which promotes and encourages
“Making It” in Massachusetts. The caucus will be hosting its
annual manufacturing award ceremony at Gillette Stadium on Wednesday,
September 25. 


background as a U.S. Army Infantry Veteran, Retired Franklin
Firefighter, Paramedic, Educator, and Coach.

are reportedly nearly finalized for a debate in Medway, on Oct. 8,
between Roy and Bailey.

more information on Roy and the campaign, visit
more information on Charles Bailey, visit

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