A Debate in Print Between Charles Bailey and Jeff Roy #2


Above, Jeff Roy, Charles Bailey

Long-time Franklin-Medway State Rep. Jeff Roy and challenger, Charles Bailey, both from Franklin, have agreed to an in-person debate, tentatively scheduled at the Medway Middle School, 45 Holliston Street, on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 7pm, sponsored jointly by the Democrat and Republican Town Committees. Doors open 10 minutes before the start and the event is expected to last about 1 hour.

In addition, both candidates agreed to participate in a debate -- responding to questions suggested by Observer readers -- in writing, in the Observer. One question and the candidate's respective responses will be published for a total of seven weeks leading up to the election.
The sequence of responses will be altered each week (eg Roy first then Bailey first).

The Second Question:  Can you provide an overview of your approach to policymaking and legislative negotiations? In other words, is there a general perspective you bring to this or would bring and how do you or how would you negotiate to get support. Relatedly, what experience do they have in navigating these types of negotiations, including their successes.


If elected, I will bring a unique perspective to Beacon Hill. It is a misnomer to think a lawyer, or career politician is needed to get a bill passed. I would be a voice of reason, a voice of calm, and most importantly a voice of the people.

We have too many lawyers on Beacon Hill. Franklin & Medway need real leadership, leadership that can make critical decisions. I served our country on Active Duty in the U.S. Army as a Light Infantry Squad Leader. My soldiers came from diverse backgrounds with very different views on life, and we eagerly trained together to defend the country we all love. I served Franklin as a Firefighter/Paramedic for 20 years and never picked the homes we responded to when someone called 911. I have helped people through some of the worst experiences of their lives, seen end of life and the beauty of a new life. It was our job to make critical decisions under duress and to bring our neighbors to safety all while safeguarding each other. I served as Franklin Fire’s union president and led contract negotiations with the town for all the members of Local 2637. As a hockey coach and educator, I understand a lot of the challenges teachers face and the tools our youth must have today to develop and excel. I also have a BA in Psychology which further supports my understanding of human behavior. It would have been beneficial to have someone with my experience on Beacon Hill when COVID struck our communities. In my current role as EMS Manager of the Emergency Department at Morton Hospital, I manage relationships with various municipalities, private ambulance services, and other institutions to ensure exceptional patient care, with a focus on training and education.

My wife and I were lucky enough to experience the American Dream when we bought our first home in Franklin. I want that for everyone, though the opportunity for others continues to slip away with these new zoning laws and rising interest rates making it prohibitive for the next generation to afford a home of their own.

The people of Franklin & Medway need a leader now more than ever. I will always consider what is best for the people and not that of special interest groups. My perspective is more in-line with the majority in Franklin & Medway, whether democrat, republican or undecided. All my real-life experiences have given me the knowledge and wisdom to work with and negotiate fair and reasonable bills that transcend both sides of the aisle. I will always be of the people, for the people, and not above.


In response to the editor's decision to not include a graphic provided by Rep. Roy, Roy has written as follows:

My graphic was truly responsive to the question asked and shows how much more experience I have and how much more I have done for the community. Your readers are entitled to know that so that they can compare and contrast.

In a live debate I can articulate things without being edited, I can bring graphics with me, and I can rebut the falsehoods. Your forum does not allow any of that and for those reasons. I am happy to publish my answers on my website and you can share the link to the it. I believe that will alleviate my concerns and provide a more robust opportunity for people to get the information they need and make an informed decision.
...And you should make it clear to your readers that you support the other candidate, including financially and my reasons for not participating.

As Rep Roy has stated, the editor has provided some support for Mr. Bailey. In fact, the editor, as an individual, contributed $150 to Mr. Bailey’s campaign. Furthermore, I am the former chair of the Franklin Republican Town Committee and currently serve as the clerk/secretary. This is and has been an open secret. Many people in town are aware of my political affiliation and I am happy to discuss that with anyone.

Rep Roy's Responses on Question 2 can now be found at the link, below:


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