LETTER: "Bloom" Comments are On Target


To the Editor:

Regarding "The Bloom is off the rose".... I am an older resident seeking only peace in my life, not a lot of criticism....however, I totally agree with the writer of this piece. I ask myself what can I do myself, that would change the situation. 

I get very discouraged with the town council and those on various boards. Yes, I did and will continue to vote in any town elections, but I wonder what good is happening when I see Franklin turning into a cold city of buildings everywhere, eradicating the beauty of nature that once was. 

Money is the common denominator....isn't it always...People move here because of Franklin's beauty and positive characteristics but they are quickly diminishing at the foot of a bulldozer. I remember an old television commercial when an American Indian gentleman looks around at the world that he lives in and through a broken heart and soulful tears he sees what people have done to our land . 

When will this ever end...or will it....until there is nothing left but cement and brick buildings...with only enough room to stand upright. This is such a sad situation. I have an opinion but again, I just don't want the hassle of being a target of criticism so I stand behind the crowd, looking like the "wimp" I guess I am....a very discouraged..."wimp."

Name withheld at the request of the writer

EDITOR'S NOTE: Anonymous letters are less impactful that those that are signed and I much prefer the former. But Franklin has a way of punishing those that speak out, so I do honor requests for anonymity.

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