Pipeline Protested Saturday at Main Street Bank of America


Over the weekend, on Saturday, several 350 Mass Node members protested in front of the Bank of America building in Franklin to demand that the institution stop funding Line 3, a tar sands pipeline being constructed in Minnesota through tribal lands and across hundreds of waterways including the Mississippi River headwaters.

According to the 350 Mass web site, the organization is a member-led organization “supported by the dedicated staff of Better Future Project, a 501(c)3 tax-­exempt nonprofit based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.” The most recent federal form 990, filed by the organization for 2019, states that the Better Futures Project received grants and contributions totaling $868,000 and paid its staff $691,000. Its principal officer is Craig S. Altmose, a recent graduate of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Law School.

According to an April 2021 article on Franklin Matters (www.franklinmatters.org) the two local coordinators for 350 Mass Node Franklin are Carolyn Barthel and Ralph Halpern. More information is available at https://350mass.betterfutureproject.org/our_nodes

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