Franklin-ventions at Museum Saturday:Ben's Bright Ideas + Some Town Innovators


Above, Thomas S. McDermott, a printing press made by William H. Golding, and Charles Whiting and his famous (and fashionable) mesh bag.

Franklinventions!   Printer,
Writer, Diplomat, Founding Father - Benjamin Franklin played a
multitude of roles throughout his life and invariably contributed to
the cornerstones of our country, but he was also an avid inventor.
Come see a few of Franklin's representative designs and how they have evolved
through the centuries.

exhibit, Franklin-ventions, also highlights Franklinites that followed Benjamin's
revolutionary spirit and made invaluable contributions towards
Franklin's industrial and economic development in the printing,
textile, straw goods industries, and beyond. Some featured innovators

  • Thomas
    S. McDermott
  • Monroe
  • Homer
    V. Snow
  • Coralinn
  • William
    H. Golding
  • William
    C. Buchanan
  • Charles
    A. Whiting

Franklin-ventions is at
Franklin Historical Museum, from now to February 23!  The museum is open on Saturdays from 10 to 1 and Sundays from 1-4

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Sun 1/12 Second Sunday Speaker SeriesThe American Revolution As You’ve Never Imagined It!  with  Michael Wenzke, creator of the The Revolutionary Story Tour, a popular and award-winning Freedom Trail walking tour that mesmerizes participants. PLENTY OF SEATS LEFT!

The Second Sunday Speaker Series at the Franklin Historical Museum continues on Sunday, Jan. 12  features a truly unique look at the American Revolution, which began 250 years ago this coming April. 19. We are joined by the 

According to Michael, ​the American Revolution did not just happen in Boston — it could only have happened in Boston. From protest to resistance to rebellion the intensification of American opposition to England was first, foremost, and fiercest in this city. What took place here has become a central part of America’s identity. Michael uses both a patriot and loyalist perspectives to separate truth from legend and introduces us to the personalities of Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, James Otis, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin (of course) as well as the Sons of Liberty, the Friends of Government, and more.

Whether you already love history or think you never could, Michael’s passion and insightful presentation will amaze you and leave you wanting more. Early birds reserved seats but there are still plenty available. Email to request to add your name to the guest list (max request, 4) or JUST COME. FREE. The Museum is located at 80 W. Central St., Franklin and is open from 1-4. The Program starts at 1:15.

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