Spend Mother's Day with a Mann


Sunday, the Franklin Historical Museum celebrates Franklin’s Favorite son, Horace Mann.  The Second Sunday Speaker Series presentation will be The Life of Horace Mann. Born in Franklin on May 4, 1796,  and commonly known as the Father of American Education, Mann’s life from a young farm boy from Franklin, braiding straw for pennies to Brown University, to the State House and beyond is a story our town can be proud of.

An educator, lawyer, abolitionist, orator and statesman, Mann gave much to many in his short life.  Learn about his family life in Franklin, his education, friends, loves and his strong desire to establish free education to all.

Come for the presentation Sunday, May 14th. Doors open at 1:00, presentation starts at 1:15. Then join Museum volunteers for coffee and cake as we celebrate the 227th birthday of Horace Mann's birthday. [This is a perfect cover for procrastinators who forgot to make something special for  Mom.] Covid prevented us from celebrating Horace’s 225th, and he hasn’t quite forgiven us!

Visitors to the museum are asked to bring an item for the Franklin Food Pantry. Personal items such as shampoo/soap/razors/toothpaste, etc. or individually wrapped paper towels, among other items would be welcome. We also encourage visitors to browse our gift shop and make a purchase in support of the Friends of the Franklin Historical Museum and the programs they support.

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