
From the Town of Medway Website:
The Town is beginning its new Community Choice Power Supply Program (Municipal Electricity Aggregation). All electric account holders in Town should have received a notification letter over the weekend.
The Medway Community Choice Power Supply Program is a municipal aggregation program which, according to Massachusetts law (M.G.L. c. 164, § 134), enables local government to combine the purchasing power of its residents and businesses so that it can provide them with an alternative electricity supply. Approximately 190 Massachusetts communities, to date, have chosen to develop community choice electricity programs to benefit their residents and small business owners.
Residents will not notice any change in their electricity service. The only discernible difference will be that Direct Energy Services of Houston, Texas, will be printed under “Supplier Services” on Eversource’s monthly bills starting in April 2025. Residents and small business owners will continue to receive one bill from Eversource and to send payments to Eversource for processing. There will be no interruption in billing, power, or customer service.
No action is required by ratepayers to participate in this cost-saving program. The Program will be operated on an opt-out basis, meaning that all Medway residential and business customers currently on Eversource’s Basic Service will be automatically enrolled into the Program unless they choose to opt-out.
More information can be found here: