Schools Ignore Appeal to Honor Original Intent of Parmenter Family


Letter, below,  addressed to School Committee and shared with Observer, was ignored in a vote by the School Committee Tuesday night...

Dear Members of the Franklin School Committee,

I am writing to you on behalf of concerned community members and in collaboration with the Parmenter family regarding the proposed action to relinquish possession of the Parmenter Elementary School to the Town of Franklin on August 31, 2025.

It has come to our attention through historical records and documentation that the Parmenter property was gifted to the Town of Franklin in the 1950's by Ernest B. Parmenter and Maud A. Parmenter, with specific provisions and conditions outlined in the 1950's Annual Report. As documented in a newspaper clipping, the town:

"Voted that the town accept as a gift from Ernest B. Parmenter and Maud A. Parmenter a deed conveying to to town a certain piece or parcel of land containing approximately twenty 20 acres and situated on the northerly side of King Street and the westerly side of Wachusett Street in Franklin according to the description and upon all the perms provisions and/or conditions contained or set forth in such deed said land to be used as a site for a school building and to name said school as the 'Gerald M. Parmenter School' or as the 'Gerald M. Parmenter Building' or any other name selected by Ernest B. Parmenter and Maud A. Parmenter, the school house or school building to be erected by the town on said land."

This gift of land was made with the clear intention of benefiting the educational needs of Franklin’s children. The conditions attached to this deed are binding, and we believe it is the responsibility of the School Committee to uphold the intent of the Parmenter family and the vote of the community at that time.

We respectfully request that the School Committee postpone any decision to relinquish possession of the Parmenter Elementary School until a thorough legal review of the original deed and its provisions can be conducted and made public. It is critical to confirm that the proposed action aligns with the terms of the original gift and the legal and moral obligations set forth in the 1950's agreement.

The legacy of Ernest and Maud Parmenter’s generous gift to the Town of Franklin is deeply rooted in its commitment to education. It is essential that this legacy is preserved, and any actions taken regarding this property honor the conditions and vision of the donors.

In the interest of transparency and public engagement, we have also sent a copy of this letter to The Franklin Observer to ensure that the community is informed of this matter and can voice their concerns.

We appreciate your attention to this urgent matter and your commitment to serving the best interests of our community and its children.

I am unable to attend tonight’s [Tuesday's] School Committee meeting. However, I kindly request that this email be read aloud for all residents to hear. You have my permission to mention my name as the sender of this email. While I will not be present in person, I will be watching the meeting.


Jane Callaway-Tripp

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