Tooting Their Own Horn on FHS Achievements


Franklin High School band students perform at the Birchwood Bakery & Kitchen. (Photo courtesy Franklin Public Schools)

Franklin School Superintendent Lucas Giguere, Assistant Superintendent Tina Rogers, and Principal Maria Weber have shared information about Franklin High School students’ success.

From the classroom to the performance stage and on the athletic fields, Franklin High School students succeeded in academics, athletics, clubs, extracurriculars, and in the community.

“We are continually impressed with our students’ dedication and determination,” Superintendent Giguere said. “They work extremely hard and constantly exceed the day-to-day requirements expected of them. We are thrilled to celebrate their success stories.”

Some of the highlights over the last few months at Franklin High School include the following:


  • Forty-seven Franklin High School students have either earned the Seal of Biliteracy or are in line to earn it when they graduate. The award recognizes students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by graduation. Last year, four Franklin High students were awarded college credit for earning the Seal.
  • More than a dozen Franklin High School students participated in a Poetry Out Loud competition on Thursday, Jan. 23. Students recited two poems from memory during two rounds of competition. Senior Ella Mahoney won the competition and plans to move forward and compete at districts at the Hopkinton Center for the Arts on Sunday, March 9, at 1 p.m. For the next round of the competition, she must select a third poem from the Poetry Out Loud website to memorize. Sophomore Abigail Schmellick came in second place and will serve as a backup to Ella for districts.


  • Franklin High School Athletics teams celebrated several successes in the fall 2024 season, including a Massachusetts School Administrators’ Association Div. 1 2024 Fall Cheerleading State Championship. The Cheerleading team will compete at the national level this spring.
  • Three Franklin High School coaches received MIAA 2023-24 Coach of the Year awards: Boys Basketball coach CJ Neely, Unified Track coach Lisa Burger, and former Boys and Girls Swim coach Jess Pridham.


  • The Franklin High School DECA Chapter participated in the regional Massachusetts DECA District Two Conference on Jan. 9 and 10 in Mansfield.
  • On Jan. 9, over 100 Franklin students competed in the Written Event, facing intense competition from more than 700 students across various districts, all vying for the top five spots in each category. Franklin advanced one individual and 14 teams to the next stage.
  • On Jan. 10, Franklin High School had over 50 students competing in the Role Play Event, which featured over 450 students from other districts, competing for the top five spots in each category. Franklin advanced five individuals and four teams.
  • Franklin DECA will proudly send over 50 students to the State Competition, which will take place at the Seaport Boston from Feb. 27 to March 1. The team aspires to advance to the International Career Development Conference in Florida, the pinnacle of DECA competitions.

Visual & Performing Arts

  • The Franklin High School Theatre Company (FHSTC), directed by Chloe Selznik, performed “The Outsiders” in November.
  • Twenty-seven Franklin High School music students have been accepted into the Massachusetts Central District Honor Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. Eight students placed first chair in their sections. Eighteen of the students scored high enough to be recommended for auditions for the Massachusetts All-State Festival.
  • Franklin High School music student volunteers performed at various community events to help celebrate the holiday season, including performances at Walmart, Shaw’s, and Birchwood Bakery & Kitchen.
  • In collaboration with the Salvation Army, Franklin High School Chorus members sang Christmas carols at Stop & Shop on two occasions, raising $484 for the cause.


Thirteen Franklin High School students participated in a Poetry Out Loud competition on Thursday, Jan. 23. (Photo courtesy Franklin Public Schools)

Senior Ella Mahoney, left, won Franklin High’s Poetry Out Loud competition on Jan. 23. Sophomore Abigail Schmellick, right, came in second place. Erin Kennerly joins the students. (Photo courtesy Franklin Public Schools)

The Franklin High School DECA Chapter participated in the Massachusetts DECA District Two Conference on Jan. 9 and 10 in Mansfield. (Photo courtesy Franklin Public Schools)

The Franklin High School DECA Chapter participated in the Massachusetts DECA District Two Conference on Jan. 9 and 10 in Mansfield. (Photo courtesy Franklin Public Schools)

From left, Franklin High School Athletic Director Karrah Ellis with coaches CJ Neely, Lisa Burger, and Jess Pridham. (Photo courtesy Franklin Public Schools)

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