Developers of 19 Dean Seek Twin-Trifecta from ZBA on Thursday


An undistinguished site on Dean Avenue, full of Franklin history, is in the crosshairs for Dean Development Partners and their plan seeks a whopping six special permits or variances up front. Franklin Director of Planning and Community Development, Bryan Taberner, said the project needs the variances before it can take any other steps forward.

According to the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting notice, 19 Dean Ave- Dean Development Partners LLC-- is seeking to construct a mixed-use building that needs:

• Special Permit or Variance for up to 50 feet in height

• A Special Permit to demolish a preexisting non-conforming building and reconstruct

• A Special Permit or variance to waive the 15 -foot setback on frontage

• A Special Permit or variance to construct residential units one-half story above street level

• A Variance or other relief to allow usage without off street parking

• A Variance, Special Permit or other relief to reduce rear setback to 1.2’ where 15’ is required

Matt Kelly, a local real estate developer and town councilor, explains that he and his partner, Marc Fantasia, are both general partners in the project and plan to build 16 units of “commuter housing.” He says it’s a style of housing that is being encouraged for sites near transit facilities. “It offers housing for people who get on the train to go to work and when they get home, they use the downtown portion of the community to do their shopping,” Kelly said.

The units will be one bedroom, targeted at single individuals “who bike around the area when they are home.”

The site, was originally two separate houses. At one time the address was home to turn-of-the-20th-century Doctor Gallison. More recently it was the site of Franklin Lumber, then Pipinelle’s, a beloved local eatery was housed there until the owners expanded and built the structure currently housing “3” restaurant. And, it was also the site of Polastri plumbing.

Today, in addition to some residential units, the ground floor is home to businesses owned by three sisters.

When the site was first put on the market, another organization had the first option, Kelly said, but they couldn’t come to terms that the owner would accept.

We are going to try to get a height variance, which is allowed by right, by the Town Council, Kelly said, noting that if it were being located along Main street it wouldn’t be allowed because of concerns about “shadowing” other structures.[EDITORIAL CLARIFICATION and EXPANSION: The sentence  at the start of the paragraph COULD be read to imply that the Town Council needs to approve the height variance. In fact, according to Taberner,  the Town Council has passed a number of zoning regulations over the years.  At one point, they passed an amendment that allows up to three stories by right in most commercial zones. If a property owners would like to get additional height they can either apply for a special permit from the Planning Board or a variance through the ZBA. This developer has several things they are looking for and they have chosen the ZBA route, Taberner noted.]

  “We tried to put parking underground but there just isn’t space to go down and come up because the town owns the road to the left of the site,” he explained.

Kelly said the town bylaw lets you “pick up parking within 300 feet, which might leave options with Dean College and the town on a lease basis.

Kelly said the setback would be smaller than currently allowed “but if you went with the normal setbacks what’s left would be very tiny,” he explained. To get what we are trying to do, we need those variances, they have to happen,” he added.

Kelly said he and Fantasia are trying to create something that will complement the neighborhood and even retain the existing retail. “We are building space in the new structure to accommodate the three sisters,” he said.

Donna Cameron, one of the three sisters, said Kelly assured them if the project goes through, he has another retail location to accommodate her tailoring business, sister Dale’s nail salon, and sister Diane’s hair salon during the period from demolition to occupancy. “I sure hope so,” she added.

“The use we are proposing is better than what’s allowable, “Kelly said. “Someone could put a micro-hotel and bar on the site under current zoning,” he added.

The ZBA meeting will be conducted remotely on Thursday, starting at 7:30. The 19-Dean project is supposed to discussed starting at 7:40 pm. The Zoom link is

You may also join the meeting on your smart phone by calling 1-929-205-6099

For those looking to view the meeting, it can be viewed live on Comcast 11 or Verizon 29. It is also streaming directly from Franklin-tv's website. Visit Franklin - dot - tv and just click on the Franklin Pride channel.

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